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Stories of the Algarve – Stories of the Algarve
28 October • 17:00 - 29 November • 18:00
— This event is in Portuguese. Para uma descrição em Português, veja abaixo —
Synopsis: Nine artists, Portuguese and of different nationalities, students of Anke Punt Bach, show, through their imagination and creativity, brushes and paints, the History of the Algarve and its shining light .
Painters: Tracy Ankers, Marga Rootlieb, David Markham, Matty Gieling, Declan Egan, Luís Bruno, Mientje de Goeij – de Rooij and Janny Ud Vreugde.
The exhibition, which is free entry, can be accessed online. be visited from Monday to Friday between 10am and 6pm.
Visit this exhibition and let yourself be enchanted by the Stories of the Algarve through the brushes and paints of these talented artists! 🤩🌟
Histórias do Algarve – Stories of the Algarve
Sinopse: Nove artistas, portugueses e de diversas nacionalidades, alunos de Anke Punt Bach, mostram através da sua imaginação e criatividade, de pincéis e tintas, a História do Algarve e sua luz fulgurante.
Pintores: Tracy Ankers, Marga Rootlieb, David Markham, Matty Gieling, Declan Egan, Luís Bruno, Mientje de Goeij – de Rooij e Janny Ud Vreugde.
A exposição, de entrada gratuita, poderá ser visitada de segunda-feira a sexta-feira entre as 10h00 e as 18h00.
Visite esta exposição e deixe-se encantar pelas Histórias do Algarve através dos pincéis e tintas destes/as talentosos/as artistas! 🤩🌟