What to do in Vila Real de Santo António?

Looking for something to do in Vila Real de Santo António? From live music and festivals to local markets, sport and family-friendly activities, there’s always something going on. Check out the latest events and make the most of your time in Vila Real de Santo António

Eat smart

18 January • 10:00
Studio Bamboo
Eat smart 3 hour workshop about how we can improve the way we eat for better health with simple choi...

Workshop de Teatro com Catarina Ferraz

25 January • 10:30
Av. da República n 11 Edificio Paródi, Vila Real de Santo António, Portugal

UFitness Hotel Retreats

7 March • 13:00
Villa Real De Santo Antonio / Monte Gordo Beach – Portugal
Welcome to UFitness Retreats This is a 3 day event filled with morning Beach fitness , Gym workouts ...


29 March • 09:00
Estrada Nacional 125, sitio da BP, Aldeia Nova, 8900 Vila Real de Santo António, Portugal

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