Looking for something to do in Vila Real de Santo António? From live music and festivals to local markets, sport and family-friendly activities, there’s always something going on. Check out the latest events and make the most of your time in Vila Real de Santo António
Eat smart
18 January • 10:00
Studio Bamboo
Eat smart 3 hour workshop about how we can improve the way we eat for better health with simple choi...
Workshop de Teatro com Catarina Ferraz
25 January • 10:30
Av. da República n 11 Edificio Paródi, Vila Real de Santo António, Portugal
UFitness Hotel Retreats
7 March • 13:00
Villa Real De Santo Antonio / Monte Gordo Beach – Portugal
Welcome to UFitness Retreats This is a 3 day event filled with morning Beach fitness , Gym workouts ...
29 March • 09:00
Estrada Nacional 125, sitio da BP, Aldeia Nova, 8900 Vila Real de Santo António, Portugal